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How to measure the impact of localization on Customer Success

Written by Alexa Tan | November, 19, 2018

Customer Success is a huge opportunity for companies to grow existing revenue, retain customers for longer and ultimately, get them to buy more of your products in the future.

In our last blog post, we talked about the benefits of localizing key parts of your customer journey – starting from the behavior and mannerisms of your Customer Success folks, all the way down to your in-app chatbots. Essentially, localization helps your CS team deliver on the promise of a great experience for all of your customers around the world.

You may be thinking, “That all sounds great, but how can I measure the impact of localization?” Well, we’ve got you covered. We’ve listed 4 Customer Success metrics that you can use to measure the improvement brought from your localization efforts.

NPS Scores

‘NPS’ stands for Net Promoter Score, and it measures how likely a customer is to recommend your product to other people. Generally, NPS scores are used to gauge the overall satisfaction customers have with your brand and the likelihood that they’ll stick around.

Take a look at your pre and post (localized) NPS scores in each market. What you should notice is that localizing things like your forum threads and support pages will have an impact on your customer's overall satisfaction. Localizing both big and small parts of the customer journey makes an impression on your international users – so be relentless when it comes to sweating the details.

CSAT Scores

CSAT scores, or Customer Satisfaction Scores, are important to the health and the growth of any business. Occasional surveys help assess your customers’ satisfaction with your brand, a single purchase, or even a seemingly trivial interaction.

CSAT surveys are sent to your user community after a major lifecycle moment – for example, after a call with someone at your company or after a customer has completed onboarding. What CSAT does, is gives you a clearer understanding of whether or not your team has done a good job at making your customers happy. Simple enough, right? With these scores, you’ll be able to see what needs improvement and gain insight into the pain-points customers have in every aspect of their experience.

What you may find is that your support page is tough to understand for your Spanish-speaking markets, or that your customers in the south-east Asia are having trouble communicating with your teammates based in the US. When you properly localize these aspects of your customer journey, you have the opportunity to communicate more effectively with your international community, and you’ll be able to measure your improvements in the next batch of CSAT surveys.

But it’s not all negative information that gets surfaced in CSAT! CSAT is also great for telling you where your localization efforts are offering your customers the delight that you strive for.

FCR Scores

First Contact Resolution is a percentage that measures the number of customer concerns that are resolved at the first interaction with an agent. Your Customer Success representatives play a huge role in keeping customers happy and successful. Ideally, you want all of your reps to address and resolve your customers’ issues the first time before they hang up the phone or end a chat session. Making sure your CS folks are trained on cultural and linguistic differences per market will help them do that so much faster. The measurable impact of localizing your agents’ behavior and mannerisms will be seen in the uplift of FCR scores post-localization.

Customer Retention Rates

Customer Retention Rate is calculated by dividing the number of customers you retain by the number of customers you had at the start of a specific period. Your CCO probably looks at this metric once a month or once a quarter. That’s because your customers’ overall experience with your brand is reflected in this score, and brand opinions can take time to develop or change. If you notice a downturn in your CRR rates in foreign markets, consider taking a look at your other scores, like CSAT for example, and localize the major pain points or areas that customers are just not that happy with.