Simultaneous Text + Tag Editor
Linguists can now edit tags and text simultaneously, a long-requested feature! After tags are projected, translators will now be able to move tags and type text in the same mode, saving significant time in the translation process.
For more information, please check out Text + Tag in our knowledge base.
Translation "Done" Confirmation
Previously, a translation or review job marked “Done” would automatically be locked without user awareness, frequently resulting in a need for manual reviewer unlocking of documents. To avoid this, Lilt now displays a confirmation dialog before a translation or review job is marked as “Done”, alerting linguists that the project will be locked.
Project Notifications
There's a lot to remember in our daily lives. Did we remember to shut the oven off before leaving the house? Did we remember to call our parents back?
While we can't solve your "is-it-on-or-is-it-off?" oven problems, we can make it easier to know when your translators have been assigned a new project through our new Project Notifications feature.
To make it easy to see these notifications, we've added a handy bell icon to the top navigation bar. When you have a new notification, the bell icon will display a red dot.
Translators will receive a notification when they've been assigned a new project, and can accept or reject that assignment within Lilt. They will also receive an email notifying them of their project assignment.
Project managers (PMs) will receive a notification whenever a translator accepts or rejects a translation assignment. PMs will now also have granular visibility into project assignment status, and can view and filter documents in each project by their status.
Lastly, PMs will see stats regarding the proportion of projects they have assigned out to translators on a project card and sideboard.
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That’s all for now folks! Have a great rest of your week, and we’ll catch up in a month.
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The Lilt Team