Advanced Terminology Management in Lilt

by Han Mai
1 Minute Read

Our new advanced termbase editor lets you manage terminology more effectively by keeping terms organized with meta information that you can customize.

Import terminology with meta fields or add your own fields. Your terms will appear in both the Lexicon and the Editor suggestions and help you increase consistency and quality.

Our own Carmen Heger hosted a webinar to show you how to make the most of the termbase in Lilt. Check it out!

What We’re Reading: Domain Attention with an Ensemble of Experts

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A major problem in effective deployment of machine learning systems in practice is domain adaptation — given a large auxiliary supervised dataset and a smaller dataset of interest, using the auxiliary dataset to increase performance on the smaller dataset. This paper considers the case where we have K datasets from distinct domains and adapting quickly to a new dataset. It learns K separate models on each of the K datasets and treats each as experts. Then given a new domain it creates another model for this domain, but in addition, computes attention over the experts. It computes attention via a dot product that computes the similarity of the new domain’s hidden representation with the other K domains’ representations.

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Technology for Interactive MT

2 Minute Read

This article describes the technology behind Lilt’s interactive translation suggestions. The details were first published in an academic conference paper, Models and Inference for Prefix-Constrained Machine Translation. Machine translation systems can translate whole sentences or documents, but they can also be used to finish translations that were started by a person — a form of autocomplete at the sentence level. In the computational linguistics literature, predicting the rest of a sentence is called prefix-constrainedmachine translation. The prefix of a sentence is the portion authored by a translator. A suffix is suggested by the machine to complete the translation. These suggestions are proposed interactively to translators after each word they type. Translators can accept all or part of the proposed suffix with a single keystroke, saving time by automating the most predictable parts of the translation process.

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